Wheel alignment, or tracking, is the process of ensuring your vehicle’s wheels are set to the optimum position, as per the car manufacturer’s specifications.
Checking your wheel alignment regularly can prolong the life of your tyres by up to 12,000 miles, increase fuel efficiency and fix steering issues.
Wheel alignment problems can be caused by hitting a kerb, driving into a pothole in the road or by excessive wear to steering or suspension components. It is important to get your wheel alignment checked annually to ensure you get the most out of your tyres.
Here at Celtic Cars, we can offer an alignment check to ensure your wheels are properly aligned and reduce the likelihood of steering and suspension issues. Using our Tecalemit – Trackalign 8CCD Computerised full 4 wheel alignment – GTR 3000 laser alignment technology, our technicians will assess the primary alignment angles of your wheels and provide a printed report for you to take away.
The price of our four-wheel alignment includes the GTR 3000 four-wheel alignment inspection and the front toe adjustment only. Additional charges will apply if further adjustments are required including any rear wheel adjustments. You will be advised at the time of inspection prior to any work being carried out.
For more information on our Four-Wheel Alignment checks or adjustments, please call us on 01745 854 462 or use the booking form and we will contact you.